I keep on my bulletin board two newspaper headlines to remind me that I might be a few bubbles off plumb. The Milwaukee Journal (March 30, 1987) boldly states, "15-year study of writers finds high rate of mental illness," while the Toronto Star (August 16, 1986) announces, "Researcher probes ties between insanity and being a mother."
With odds like that, it's a wonder I get anything done without burning down the house or dancing naked in the front yard on a full moon with a colander on my head.
Do I hear voices in my head? Sure I do...it's called writing dialog. Do I get anxious and tear my hair? Sure...it's from having a pair of risk-taking, independent children who insist on doing insane things of their own (for example sailing a 22ft sailboat across the Great Lakes in September and surviving gale force winds in the Straits of Mackinaw or hitching a ride on a shipping boat from Sardinia to Barcelona to surprise a friend.) But hey, books get written, children grow up, and so far nobody has gotten the ax.
Photo: Joan Crawford in Straight Jacket.